Jun 28, 2019

Terroir In Craft Cannabis: Emerald Triangle Fashion

I am a fanatic for a little thing named terroir, no not terror, but terroir. In the study of wine, it's a French word that means quite simply, the taste of the place. The characteristics of the soil, the rock and the drainage. The way of the earth. In ultra-high end cannabis it's also the taste of the place. Hey, wait a minute, didn't I just say that in wine that terroir is the French word that describes the taste of the place, yet in cannabis it's the same thing? Well my friends may I suggest drinking wines from the same regions that cannabis is grown. You'll be astounded, just like I was when we started discussing appellations and the deeply sensual characteristics of the soil. Who knew that rocks would be sexy? (They are, especially with grape vines struggling out of the crushed stones and crystals. The taste of the place in wine is essential. Just like the difference between pretty label wines and true garragist wines. Then, organically our the conversation leaks into Biodynamics. Did you know that Rudolph Steiner developed the theories of Biodynamics in the late 1800's? Steiner saw himself as a clairvoyant of the earth. That the soil is a living thing and it requires self-regulating utilizing techniques of a purely organic manner? That different types of organic applications give the soil acidity but others make the soil sing its own song of renewal. That  Biodynamics teach me everything that I need to know about growing vegetables and cannabis. Preferably together, along with wild herbs. The taste of the place, the taste of the soil, the way things are grown. No chemical manipulations or augmentations are allowed, ever. We need to have this conversation about replenishing the soil with nutrients that add balance and structure to the growing process. That outdoor grown cannabis naturally tastes better. Less corporate. More passion. You may disagree with me. That's fine, the massive cannabis conglomerates are not worried about craft cannabis, just like the massive liquor manufacturers are not worried about craft spirits. They aren't even on the radar. Sure everyone wants to make money in cannabis. But corporate weed has no place at the craft table, just like speed rack quality whiskey can never be called Straight Bourbon. There is a difference in craft spirits as there is in craft cannabis. I'm absolutely positive that all craft cannabis growers want to earn a good living for their talent. By creating a workable format for an appellation,  these mom, and pop cannabis growers will raise their bar. Initially growers may doubt the path of an appellation, but with quality comes success. And organic success doesn't have to be corporate run to earn a very fine living for themselves. That's why in France, where appellations have contributed to the quality of life itself. Not a bad way to become known for utter quality over quantity.

Craft cannabis is my topic. I want to share with you real people who make a difference, doing what they love, getting the word out on what it means to grow the very best. People who are passionate about the soil and want you to taste what they've nurtured from the earth.

Biodynamically grown is not only the wine world or your vegetable garden. It's also the cannabis way. A Tao of truly gourmet cannabis, from a specific place, grown in a specific way with Biodynamics as the driving force.

Many thanks to Michael Katz and Justin Calvino for their deeply enriching kindness towards me. I can't wait to test my wine-centrist theory about your appellations. That is, you can taste the place in every puff!

Jun 3, 2019

Here Are The Best Travel Insurance Apps For Your Next Trip

When Dary Merckens needed the name of a reliable doctor or the number for the U.S. embassy, he turned to an unlikely source: his smartphone's travel insurance app.

"It helped me out in numerous situations," says Merckens, the chief technology officer for a technology firm based in Las Vegas.

Travel insurance apps, which used to be simple programs that helped you contact an insurance company or file a claim, are coming of age. The best travel insurance apps for your next trip offer real-time access to medical and emergency travel assistance, extensive embassy and hospital contact information, and even the ability to buy insurance on the fly.

A stable and useful travel insurance app can make the difference between a bumpy trip and a smooth one. With the busy summer travel just underway, it's an excellent time to consider what may be an important feature of your travel insurance policy.

The best travel insurance apps could "literally be a lifesaver"

"All the travel insurance apps do a good job of helping someone keep track of their policies and helping claims get processed faster," says Kimberlee Leonard, an insurance analyst for FitSmallBusiness.com. "The better travel apps have additions for free, like where to find providers for medical attention or pharmacies, country emergency information, alerts, and other local travel aid information."

Leonard says one example of a travel insurance app that does more is the Allianz TravelSmart Mobile App.

"TravelSmart has a medical translation feature," she says. "Even if someone is fluent enough in a foreign language to get around, most people will not know complex medical terms and explanations. This tool could literally be a lifesaver when working with medical providers in emergency situations."

Exploring one of the best travel insurance apps

No one officially tracks the most popular travel insurance apps, but with more than 470,000 downloads, TravelSmart appears to be one of the most popular.

"One of the things people love about travel is the discovery of new places and people," says Daniel Durazo, a spokesman for Allianz. "TravelSmart helps travelers navigate unfamiliar territory and gives people the confidence to travel off the beaten path.

I'm a regular user of TravelSmart since I have an annual Allianz travel insurance policy. (It's free to download and available to anyone, regardless of whether they’re an Allianz customer.) Mostly, I use it to file claims -- I've had a few smaller ones earlier this year after suffering a minor medical condition on a trip to New Mexico and Arizona.