Oct 30, 2012

Halloween Makeup Tips Help You Get The Look You Want

Halloween is almost here. Have you decided on a costume yet? If your costume needs a bit of spooky Halloween makeup to look just right, these tips will help you get the look you want.

Test any makeup first for possible reactions. Any time you're using a new product on your skin, especially the face, you want to be careful. There are a few guides on how you can use Halloween makeup without skin reactions.

Cleanse your face extra well after the festivities. Novelty makeup (that stuff that you can get at the Halloween Store) tends to be super thick and heavy. If you're using it, make sure you do an extra-good wash at the end of the night. You'll probably need to do a double cleanse -- soap up, wash well, rinse, then do it all again. You might also want to use a toner or astringent to make sure you get every last bit of makeup off your skin.

Consider using your regular makeup, or use just eye makeup, instead. The heavier, novelty makeup can make bumpiness on the skin look more obvious. If you're not happy with your makeup after a trial run, take a peak in your makeup case instead. Use the makeup you already have in a different way -- bright colors, glitter, super black eye makeup, blood red lipstick. Use your imagination. But do wash your face before bed, no matter how late you get in on Halloween night!

Skip the makeup altogether. If you're worried about makeup causing more breakouts, or just irritating your skin, a spooky mask is another good option. I personally can't stand having a ton of makeup on my face. It itches, my hair gets stuck to it, and I always end up smearing and smudging it everywhere. I definitely prefer masks!

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