Dec 28, 2011

What's History Of Makeup?

Every woman, whether she chooses to acknowledge it or not, has an innate desire to be desired. Even the staunchest of feminists want to be accepted by other feminists. It goes without saying that we, as human beings, don’t enjoy being disliked and we go to any measure to make ourselves more readily acceptable to others. For women, one of the easiest ways to improve confidence and self-image is makeup.

Ancient Egyptians used copper and lead ores in some of the most primitive forms of makeup, and in many cultures there are reports of women crushing berries to dye their lips, using burnt matches as eyeliners, and using leeches to drain their blood to make their complexions appear more pale. Even the highly poisonous element mercury was a popular cosmetic in ancient Rome and Egypt. Most of these practices are obviously not safe. In some cultures, the use of cosmetics to enhance one’s appearance was limited only to the upper class.

During the Middle Ages, the Church began looking down on the use of cosmetics in all but the upper classes, probably because it nurtured vanity, one of the Seven Deadly Sins. In the 1800s, Queen Victoria publicly denounced makeup, calling it “vulgar,” and declared use of it acceptable only by actors.However, after the turn of the century and the roaring twenties, makeup had become commonplace by the middle of the twentieth century. Discovering the marketplace for cosmetics, a few still well-known names emerged – Max Factor and Estée Lauder, just to name a two.

Max Factor was born Maximilian Factorowicz in what is now Poland (then part of the Russian Empire) in 1877 and began creating his own makeup, fragrances, and wigs to sell out of a shop. Factorowicz became well known when a traveling troupe wore some of his fragrances to a performance for Russian nobility. The royal family soon named him the cosmetic expert for themselves and the Imperial Russian Grand Opera.

In 1904, Factorowicz and his family migrated to the United States. After changing his last name to Factor, he began selling his cosmetics at the 1904 World’s Fair in St. Louis, Missouri. The family again moved in 1908, this time to Los Angeles, which allowed Factor to get a start in Hollywood.

Dec 23, 2011

Say Goodbye To Facial Hair

Believe or not, all women have facial hair but we would rather not talk about this, especially in front of men. However, some women are lucky because the hairs on their face are extremely light, which makes them barely visible. Others are not that lucky and thus feel the need to do something about this issue. Shaving, as we all know, makes things a lot of worse while waxing is painful and causes irritation in a large number of cases.

The only solution is thus bleaching, however, commercial bleaching products are just as bad as waxing. They are full of harmful chemicals that damage your skin and make it look unattractive. Home-made bleaching products are safe, natural and more importantly, they work.

Fortunately, there is quite a big number of recipes, but only a couple of them are worth your attention and your time. For example, papaya is highly spoken of when skin care is in question. It nourishes it, it makes it look younger and of course, it has the ability to bleach your hairs. You should mix some papaya pulp with milk and apply the mixture on your face. Keep it on for 7 or 8 minutes and do this every day for two weeks.

A mixture of flour powder and curd is very powerful and acts as a bleaching agent if you apply it to your skin every day for 15 minutes. Of course, the results will not be evident after only one day, but be persistent and you will eventually achieve your goal.

Although both of the previously mentioned mixtures work quite well, the most praised home-made bleaching product is lemon juice. Mix it with some honey and apply it to your face, or your hairs more precisely. Keep the paste on for 20 minutes and after two weeks or so, you will manage to lighten your hairs naturally.

There is no reason why you should torture your skin with painful procedures when you have the opportunity to get rid of facial hair by making them practically invisible. Turn to home-made bleaching products and you won`t regret your decision without a doubt.

Dec 22, 2011

Green Beauty Guide Tips

For example, Happy Cheeks foaming cleanser can be used as a baby body and hair wash as well as a mom’s facial cleanser, makeup remover, and a shampoo. A Happy Hour Oil can be used for baby massage and to prevent stretch marks in mom-to-be. A fragrance spray Happy Air works double duty as a nursery air spray and a deodorant for moms.

All ingredients are safe for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and I am not using any essential oil fragrances, because babies have very sensitive noses. Besides, popular “baby” scents such as lavender are suspected to act as hormone disruptors. I am using certified organic ingredients blended to create products that are so pure, you can eat them. Every parent knows that babies want to put everything in their mouths, and too often I would rush to prevent my baby daughter from eating the whole tube of a diaper cream - and my first thought always was “Thank goodness, it’s natural and organic!”
If you could give us three tips on making our skin care regime a bit more "green", what would they be?
We all know the three R’s of green living: reduce, reuse, recycle.
Reduce by using less products: buy one mild cleanser to use on face, body, and hair, use flower hydrosols as toners, use one well-formulated sunscreen in summer and winter, and don’t be afraid to use facial moisturizer around your eyes!

Reuse kitchen staples and leftovers to make express beauty treatments and reuse empty jars, vials, and bottles for your homemade beauty products.
Recycle your shopping habits: instead of buying shimmers and glimmers, invest into the health of your skin. Instead of making your skin look healthy, make it truly healthy. Buy organic products of really good quality so that green living becomes a pleasure, not a chore.
Why would a nutritionist write a book about beauty?
Because beauty products are food for our skin. There’s junk food, and there’s wholesome food. Junk food is loaded with artificial flavors, synthetic preservatives, refined sugar, and hydrogenated fats. It’s convenient, it smells good, it may be even delicious, but it ruins our health. Same with beauty.

Junk beauty is loaded with petroleum by-products, preservatives, and artificial colors and fragrances. It looks good, smells good, gives instant results, but damages our skin and health in general over time. If you avoid junk food and strive eating organically, why use junk beauty? Especially today, when you can replace every single jar and bottle in your bathroom and every tube in your makeup bag with non-toxic, natural alternatives.

Dec 18, 2011

Keep An Eye over Colon Cleanser

Colon cleansing has been around for quiet a while now and especially when its importance was described at the Oprah show; every dieter has aimed for a cleansed colon and a healthy lifestyle. However, the major associated with colon cleansing of people get confused is when it comes to buying colon cleansers since there are so many available at the pharmacies and over online resources as well. Various manufacturers are making colon cleansers and it is hard to say that which one is safe so, it is advisable that you must keep an eye over a few things while purchasing colon cleansers.
Colon cleansers or any other such products should always be purchased if they are totally natural. Any colon cleanser having chemicals as ingredients might harm your colon then doing any good and side effects may turn out to be very bad so always go for natural cleansers. There are also colon cleansers that do not really clearly specify what all is in them that means you do not even know what ingredients are going inside your body; avoid such products. You should know how many herbs are present and in what proportion; sometimes only knowing the names is not enough.
Oatmeal is an excellent natural scrub to help remove the dead cells from your face. Use a paste of one half cup of water and one half of oatmeal.
Cucumbers are a natural astringent that will help slow down the aging process and tighten your skin. Grate cucumber and extract juices and apply juices to your face with a cotton ball, let dry for twenty minutes, then rinse with cold water.
Make a face mask of egg yolk with one egg yolk, one half tablespoon lemon juice and one half tablespoon of olive oil. Put it on your face, let dry for fifteen minutes, and then rinse off with water. Good for dry to normal skin.

Dec 14, 2011

Beauty is Skin Deep

Beauty is skin deep or that is what every young woman is told from the age of her being a small girl until she is an adult. However, with all the products on the market, most women think that they can make themselves even more beautiful through buffing this and applying that. For those women out there that truly want to be beautiful, they need to understand that they have to work with what they are given before they can add and color this and that. When a woman takes the time to make sure that she is working with the natural beauty of her skin, chances are she will find that she has no use for all those promising foundations and blushes that are out there. So how can you get natural beautiful looking skin?
First things first, make sure that you are getting the rest that you need. There is a reason that this is called beauty rest. When a person gets the rest that they need they are going to find that the rings under their eyes disappear and that their complexion simply looks wonderful compared to what it could look like. The person should also add into this to make sure that they are getting the eight glasses of water that they should get a day. The reason for this is that hydrated skin, which means getting the adequate amount of water each day is going to be much healthier than skin that is depleted of water and moisture.
Secondly, make sure that you have a skin regiment in place that consists of washing and moisturizing. Even if you think that you have skin that is too dry to wash or too oily to moisturize, the person should make sure that they are following the skin regiment that is needed to keep their skin balanced. They should use a mild wash that is designed for the face since the skin is much more sensitive that skin on other parts of the body. They should also keep in mind that the moisturizer needs to be one that is made for their skin, whether it be dry, combination or oily type of skin.
Once the skin is taken care of, the person should focus on what they can do in order to make the skin look its best and this is through the use of the right hair cut that compliments the face and makes the skin stand out. They should also make sure that their eyebrows are something that are well maintained and highlight the face in a way that make it appear even more natural and beautiful.More Time ,More Beautiful.

Dec 11, 2011

How To Do Makeup To Help Your Disappear

Makeup can do wonders and even give you an air brushed look, provided that you choose the right products and know how to use them. If you are worried about acne marks or neck lines, wrinkles, birth marks, they can all vanish with easy beauty tips and proper skin care. We are here to give you expert make up advice which can help you hide all those flaws that lower your confidence or what will help make you feel all beautiful for a special occasion.
When choosing makeup either take the salesperson’s advice or know your face and what you need before you spend heavy money. Simple makeup advice can help you look great without contemplating a face lift or Botox or laser treatment. Read below to follow basic steps that can hide a hundred flaws.
Choose your foundation and concealer with care – Foundation usually works to give you an even coverage and not hide scars or marks but if you are just concerned with certain shadows or lines, a good foundation and cover over them and most lightly you don’t need more than that.
If you have heavy hereditary acne marks or scarring or acne, make sure you for a good concealer stick. When picking a foundation, check it on your wrist or hand to get something similar to your skin tone. Also use the same trick to buy loose powder. You don’t want your make up to look artificial. When choosing a concealer, pick a yellow or peachy color concealer for your skin to hide marks and under eye bags. In case of acne or blemishes use a blue or green tone to reduce the intensity of redness on your skin.
Apply your concealer and cover it up with your foundation. Applicators are important when it comes to makeup. Use a sponge or concealer brush and foundation brush to cover evenly. Pat it on lightly with loose powder. Makeup experts also choose to use finger tips you do their basic first steps. If you choose to do so, use clean hands or dirt coupled with makeup can cause acne.
You face is ready to play on color with. Blush, eye makeup and lips are the bare minimum after this. Do not continue with this unless you are completely satisfied with your face and it looks flawless with even complexion and not to forget is minimally layer with makeup. The trick is to hide the imperfections by doing very little and making it look effortless.
Line your lips with a lip pencil and form the perfect shape and apply a primer for your eyes.
Having done all this, you simply have to fill in the spots with colour to give it the final look.
Use gloss or your favorite lipstick with a lip filler brush. A lip brush control the amount of lipstick you fill in without let it look too greasy.
Apply eye liner or your favorite eye shadow with the right brushes. Try going to various cosmetics brands as the huge range of different kinds of eye products requires different applicators.
On essential beauty tip – if you are going heavy on the lip, keep your eyes light and vice versa.

Dec 7, 2011

Make Up Eyes for Evening

When evening calls for a glamorous look, you want to focus on making your eyes amazing. Here are eight simple steps to making up your eyes for evening.
1. Prep your eyes with concealer. Concealer can be used to cover up under eye circles or just the bluish discoloration just under your inner eye. To cover dark under eye circles, apply three dots of concealer under each eye. Start at the inner corner where skin tends to be darkest, then under the pupil and the third on the outer edge.
2. Apply eye base to your lid Eye base is the secret to keeping your shadow in place for hours. Without properly priming your lid first, your eye shadow will likely end up a greasy line in your crease.
3. Apply shadow. It's great to use a three-toned shadow and build from lids to brow. Allowing them to merge into each other like a rainbow is graceful. Start with a light color that almost matches your lid. brush the color across the lid and up to your browbone. Follow with a medium color across your lid only. Build on this with a darker color in the crease. Blend the colors well.
4. Follow with eyeliner Dark eyeshadows work great as eyeliners. Wet a slanted brush, and then dip in a dark eyeshadow. Line eyes as close to the upper lashes as possible from the inner corner to the outer corner. Follow with liner on bottom eyes, but only line from the middle of the eye out. Smudge the bottom line with a Q-tip or your finger. You don't want a prominent line. For a smokey eye, use a brush to pat in a dark eyeshadow along the upper lid and below the lid. You don't want a stark line, instead you want to blend it so it's 'smudge-y.'
5. Brighten your eyes with a highlighter. This step involves only the inside part of the eye. With a gold or pink highlighter (white is too bright), draw a v-shaped shape that follows the inner corner of your eye from top to bottom. Blend with your fingers. This will help make eyes 'pop.'
6. Highlight your brow Take the same highlighter and dab it on your browbone, concentrating on your mid-brow outward. Blend with your finger.
7. Curl lashes An eyelash curler will make even long lashes look more gorgeous. For added effect, you can heat the curler under a blowdryer for a couple seconds. Test curler before applying to lashes because you could burn yourself.
8. Apply mascara Place the wand of your mascara brush at the bottom of lashes and wiggle back and forth. Follow with another few sweeps of the wand. Apply to bottom lashes as well.

Dec 4, 2011

Natural Home Remedies For Beauty Face

Your face looks back at you from the mirror...does it look dry or oily or listless, or does it look bright and radiant?This depends on how you take care of your face. Start by charitable yourself 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes at bedtime.
The word "beauty" forever implies amazing nice, good, pure. Beauty is always subtle, barely audible.There are a lot of things written and said about it. It takes various forms and is present in all kinds of objects - material and disembodied.Cleansing is quite necessary to avoid acnes and other skin evils. Wash your skin often using a mild face wash and wipe off with a clean washcloth.It is quite imperative to get rid of any impurities such as dirt particles and makeup before going to sleep so that your skin can breathe appropriately at night.
Beauty Face Tips
Take 1 tbsp olive oil and mix with 2 tbsp of fresh cream, leave it on the face for 10 minutes and then wash your face with warm water.Mix 1 tbsp of honey with 15 drops of carroty juice and 1 tbsp of fuller's earth and add 1 tbsp of rose water. Mix well and pertain on the face, wash off after 10 miuntes.Mix a tbsp of honey with 1 egg white and apply thickly on the face and neck. Leave for 10 minutes and wash off.Mix 2 tbsp of papaya pulp with 10 drops of lemon juice and leave it for 20 minutes and then rinse well.
Home Remedies for Beauty Face
1. Take 50 ml. of tomato juice and blend with one teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply this mixture to the face. It helps to make the skin soft and glowing.
2. Take equal quantities of turmeric concentrate and wheat flour and make a paste with sesame oil. Apply it to the face to remove unwanted hair.
3. Apply orange juice to the face for smooth and soft skin.
4. Take 30 ml. of cabbage juice and mix one teaspoon of honey in it. This mixture, if applied often to the face, helps to keep the wrinkles away.
5. Make a paste of raw carrots and apply it to the face. Wash it after one hour. The skin will turn out to be glowing.
Beauty Facial Mask
Honey Facial Mask
Rinse your face with warm water to open up the pores. Apply honey and leave for half an hour.Rinse with warm water, then use cold water to close the pores. Rinse with warm water, then use cold hose down to close the pores

Nov 30, 2011

Basic Steps For Ramadan Makeup

Ramadan is the month of countless blessings, joy and to rejuvenate your inner beauty. Ramadan is not just a month of spirituality and holiness, but also a month of extra work especially for women. With constant juggling between the household chores, preparing feasts and doing religious rituals, a woman neglected her own self especially from her health and makeover side.
Makeup and make over are purely the women business. Every woman has an inner desire to look good, beautiful, different and young ever. For this, the women do every possible thing from skin care to makeup techniques. Gone were the days when women only used to wear/apply a fairness cream, a kohl and a herb to clean , color and shine their teethes. Now are the days when women try to do all that things which make them more beautiful, charming, smart, stylish and gorgeous.
They spend a huge budget on makeup accessories and also go off and on to the beauty salons to enhance their beauty. As the Holy month of Ramadan has started the duties & responsibilities of every woman become doubled. They not only have to take care of their home, spouse and children, but also need extra care for themselves as well. Almost every woman during Ramadan gives extra attention & time to their kitchen activities & thus neglects their own health & over all make over.
Being a centre and focal point of your home you need t put an extra effort on yourself too because your health counts a lot. If you are healthy and fit your home automatically will become healthy happy and fit.
This Ramadan special article, we put special focus on some easy growing and modish makeup tips for you women. By using them you can enhance your beauty & over all looks.
Basic tips during Ramadan:
Keep your skin clean and healthy: the first step before applying any makeup is clean and healthy skin. The better your skin’s texture and color, the less makeup you will need. Skin that is clear, healthy and even in tone allows you to wear less makeup because you don’t need it! Cleanse tone, moisturize, and apply eye cream.
Keep all makeup matte and muted: This means no shimmers, sparkles, or false lashes.
Apply light things: Apply a light coverage -concealer, foundation and powder.
Use matte blush on: Apply a blush that makes you look youthful and healthy. A matte peach, pink, or skin-color blush is great.
Apply nude lip colors: Apply a creamy nude color of lipstick in this Ramadan and get a new look. Blushing Nude is actually a very light, nude lip color, but on paper it looks super dark.
Use matte eye shadow: Use a matte beige eye shadow all over the eyelid, then apply a medium-toned matte eye shadow color on the crease, like brown, taupe, or navy blue. (This is optional. If you feel you don’t need it, you can go with eyeliner only.)
Wear dark eye liner: Line your eyes in dark burgundy, dark brown, black or navy blue eyeliner to enhance your eyes.
Try mascara colors other than black: Curl your lashes and apply a coat of black mascara. This is a fun time to experiment with colors that are less dramatic than black, however. So try to use mascara colors like burgundy, navy blue, or brown and see how subtle changes can affect your overall appearance.
And remember, your inner beauty is more important and promising than your outer beauty. So be generous, speak well, do well, and be well.

Nov 26, 2011

Beauty Tips for Swimming Season And Facial Structure

If you’ve found the perfect swimsuit for you but are avoiding buying it because of body hair problems, it’s time to consider laser hair removal. Thanks to new pain-free technologies, women are taking advantage of finally letting themselves look fully beautiful without the stress of having body hair where it doesn’t belong. Whether the hair is on the face, bikini lines, arms, legs or back, a permanent solution is available at an affordable cost.
Many women are fortunate enough not to have extra hair on the face, but they have too much hair along their bikini lines, backs and bellies. As a result, they stick to a one piece bathing suit or begin shaving and waxing which does not provide a permanent solution. New permanent hair removal solutions have emerged over the last few years, and some even more recently. Included in these permanent solutions is the Soprano XL Blu -3rd Generation Laser. This removal treatment gives men and women a lasting and permanent reduction in the amount of hair growth in the areas where problems once existed. The great thing about this is this method doesn’t involve a list of changes. Daily routines go unhindered by this course of laser treatment.
Not everyone is born with the perfect face, but beauty specialists are trained to help women with all sorts of facial structures and shapes find the right look for them. This is done by carefully selecting hairstyles, make up and the right accessories and clothing to accentuate the positive and by de-emphasizing features that are less attractive.
There are some common sense beauty tips, including facial hair removal to help clear away that unwanted hair and shadow. By taking the necessary steps to eliminate all unwanted facial hair and excessive hair around the eyebrows, a woman’s beauty shines.
Keeping one’s face clean and clear of blemishes is another important element that beauty specialists look for when working with facial structure. Once the face is clear and clean, they begin to focus in on the hair style that best fits the facial structure. Height is also a feature they play close attention to when it comes to hair styles. Maintaining an eye on the latest hair cuts and styles is taken into consideration, along with paying close attention to the woman’s personal desire and choices in styles and trends.
Round faces, long faces, oblong faces, big noses, small eyes and so forth – no matter your feature, there is a perfect hair style for you.

Nov 23, 2011

Make Up Through The Ages

That by no means insinuates that women will become more passive; strength of character and ambition will continue, but women will also become comfortable in their own femininity. While the younger generation will continue to explore new trends and revel in their own rebellious nature, their parents will find their own niche. They will express their individual point of view no matter the trends of the day. It will be a world that allows for individualism, at least when it comes to dress and cosmetics.
Men's fashion will not change drastically. There will be tailored clothing for those who choose that style and plenty of comfortable casual wear for the man who is more laid back. Hairstyles will remain fairly short overall, but that doesn't mean that men won't choose to grow out their locks if they want to. Beards and mustaches won't gain much more notoriety but five o'clock shadow will continue to be cool when it comes to casual situations.
Women's fashion will be remain varied and colorful. There will be choices in both extremes and everywhere in between. One might call this the "leather and lace" generation. Women will feel free to express their feminine side with sumptuous laces, beautiful silks, satins and velvets for nights on the town. However, they will feel equally comfortable in menswear-inspired suits and separates that are perfect for the boardroom. Denim will continue to have a strong influence in casual wear, while sweaters and cardigans will grow in popularity.
Clothing styles will be varied as well. There will be trendy nods to eras past and fashion forward trends aimed at ringing in the future. But a lot of focus will remain on comfort and usability. In an uncertain economy, women will look for ways of extending their wardrobes with classic pieces that can be mixed and matched. The little black dress will find its way into every woman's wardrobe and the style will be simple enough to be worn during the day while allowing it to be dressed up when the occasion calls for it.
Well-cut trousers will be carefully chosen so it can be matched with a blazer for work or paired with glitzy top for party wear. Trench coats will continue to be one of the "must have" pieces. However, the cut, style and length of the trench may vary greatly from woman to woman.
The crisp white shirt will always be called for, although its length and cut may alter slightly from year to year. It is the perfect item to pair with a pencil skirt, which is beginning to experience new popularity, which should continue for quite some time. The white shirt also works well with jeans and trousers, making it one of the most versatile pieces of all time.
T-shirts in various colors and styles will remain a key component of any wardrobe, as will tank tops, cardigans, and sweaters. Blazers, especially those in leather, will be chosen carefully so that they can be worn with every item in a woman's closet. Women in the new century will be busier than ever, with less time to spend on shopping for fashion or pairing clothing together. Many will once again turn to personal shoppers who will put the looks together for them based on getting as much wear out of every piece as possible.
Accessories will continue to be the most important part of a woman's wardrobe. Scarves will come and go but they will always have some connection to 21st Century fashion. Jewelry trends will ebb and flow, although less attention will be spent on expensive authentic gems and metals of gold and silver. Instead, savvy women will search out the wonderful gem imposters so easily found in today's marketplace. Gold plating will replace the too expensive gold, and stainless steel will replace sterling as the metal of the new millennium.
Hairstyles will be short, long, and medium, geared more toward a woman's lifestyle than the current trends espoused by the media. Straight, curly, or wavy, the look will not apologize for femininity. Instead women will embrace it with both hands. With new styling tools making it easier to care for hair of any length and with hairpieces and extensions to change up the look, hair in the 21st Century will always look amazing. No more casual "rooster" tails that say, "I don't care how I look."
Cosmetics will follow fashion trends somewhat in that women will turn toward makeup and skin care that will make them look more naturally beautiful. That's not to say that the drama of the smoky eye or the red lip is gone - it will simply be saved for a special occasion as opposed to everyday wear. Cosmetic manufacturers will continue to respond to the need for safer, "greener" cosmetics, harking back to a time when women used natural plants, flowers, and gems to obtain color rather than dangerous chemicals and preservatives.

Nov 21, 2011

Evening Make Up

  It is essential for the evening makeup that it should be light makeup to get a beautiful complexion. The eye shades which are used for the eye makeup should be of light colours because to blend the light colour shades is easier than the dark colour shades, especially for the evening makeup. The light evening makeup will give you an expressive and shining texture due to the usage of these light colour shades. Dry your face with a soft towel or a tissue paper after washing your face with an antiseptic soap. Sprinkling the face powder or viscous cream on your face and massage it to make a strong base.
  Now start the eye makeup. Apply the silver colour of eye shades on your eyelid near the eyebrow. Mix the light grey colour of eye shades with the silver glossy colour and spread it on whole the eye. Also apply this same mixture of eye shades below the lower eyelid starting from the outer corner towards the inner corner. If the colour of your dress is dark then use the dark grey colour of eyeshades to give a pretty look to your makeup according to your dress. Now see your face in the mirror and draw a line around the eyelids to prominent your eye makeup. Apply the curly mascara on eyelashes to increase the beauty of your eyes.
  After completing the eye makeup, start the lipstick. Before choosing the lipstick colour, you should see the colour of eye shades which you have applied on your eyes. Because it is important to match the lipstick colour according to your eye shade colours to create an impressive look. Then apply this lipstick on your lips and after this, using the lip-liner draw a boundary line around your lips. If you have small lips then this line should be dark and thick and if you have the big lips then draw a thin line on your endings of lips.
  If you are feeling a difficulty to select the colour of lipstick then choose the pink colour lipstick because this colour is natural and makes a good combination with the silver and grey colours of eye shades.
  Just remember an important fact while contouring the lips with the lip liner that you should draw the line around your lips either starting from the corners towards the centre or from the centres towards the corners, not from one corner towards other corner because it is necessary to get symmetry for the lips. Similarly you can apply this rule for your eyes to make them perfect.
  Now your evening makeup is completed with an elegant look.

Nov 15, 2011

The Ugly Duckling Is Not Always What It Seems

  Now what I did not mention is that when Sarah Boyle came out on stage, she was obviously prepared for Cowell’s sour disposition, but it didn’t seem to affect her at all. She answered all of his questions with a smile on her face. It was as if she were challenging him: “I know that you are assuming that I have no talent, but you just wait. You’ll see.”
  Boyle stood her ground, even doing a bit of a jig in her sheer delight at just being invited to the party. And when she finished, she knew that she had won the battle. She walked off the stage with her shoulders back, a broad smile on her face, and joy in her eyes.
  All three judges were effusive in their praise. But the best part is this: With her talent, her incredible voice, Susan Boyle has a real shot at winning “Britain’s Got Talent.” Wouldn’t that be something? And about time, too.
  But just a closing thought: Why were we so surprised that Susan Boyle could sing? That is probably the heart of the matter, and a question that we should be asking ourselves even as this incredibly talented, sincere, selfless woman stands before the world and graces us with a voice from the gods.
  And on that note, I present Susan Boyle singing “I Dreamed A Dream”

Nov 11, 2011

What Do You Want From Beauty

  What do people want from beauty? Obviously one of the most essential questions that has occupied Western thought at least since the age of Greek philosophy. The question obviously raises the issue of the relations between its two main terms, want (which I will henceforth refer to under the term desire) and beauty. What is the relation then between desire and beauty, or, why do we desire beauty. I want to briefly talk about this question in relation to two fundamental understandings of beauty, at first the ancient, classical Greek one, and the modern one, the first under its famous Platonic formulation, the second in relation to one of its most famous modern formulation, that of Rilke.
      It was Plato who first established the relation between desire and beauty, mainly in his dialogue The Symposium. Indeed what we desire, for Plato, is fundamentally beauty, or the beautiful. why is it that we desire the beautiful? this has to do with the Platonic understanding of these two terms. To desire means for Plato (and for Greek thought in general) to live in a certain deficiency, to lack something. We desire because we lack something, or are not fully complete. The beautiful, on the other hand, is the name for what is perfect and complete, lacking nothing.
     We desire beauty then, because beauty is the name for the most perfect achievement of completion. the beautiful person, object or idea, for Plato, are thus complete, lacking nothing, this completion is what we understand by beauty and what we ourselves, as desiring beings, want to become. Perhaps the most famous modern formulation of the question of beauty is the one given by Rilke, saying Beauty is the beginning of horror, that is, beauty is something which stands on the limit of what is horrifying. the question about the relations between beauty and desire - and here I have to move very quickly, skipping over all the transformation of classical thought that this formulation implies - changes completely its significance. to want beauty will now have to take account of the essential relations between beauty and horror. I think that there are two main ways to think within this constellation about the relation between want and beauty, the first we can call the defensive one. If beauty is on the limit of horror we might say that we want beauty in order to protect ourselves from the horror that is, so to speak, one step away. beauty is in a way the last defense against being consumed by the horrifying, and art, the realm which devotes itself to beauty and to the making of beauty, will be the realm whose task is to serve as the last defense against the horrifying. To want or desire beauty is now to want or desire a protection from horror.
    A second possible understanding of the consequences of the relations between horror and beauty is to understand the desire for beauty not so much as the need for defense as implying a transformative creative event where beauty is the successful creation of something out of horror, horror being understood as the experience of annihilation. If horror signifies the destruction of a world, beauty can be understood as the transformation of this destructive moment, creating something new out of it, opening the possibility of a new world. If this is what beauty is about then we will also understand the function of desire differently. desire will no longer be the desire for completion, the expression of a fundamental lack in existence, but will be the activation of the creative possibility of man to bring about a new world out of a moment of destruction. beauty is not the object that we want, in this conception, not a full perfection towards which our wanting is directed, but an activity of the transformation of horror, or of the nothing. art, the activity dedicated to beauty, will therefore be the activation of this capacity to transform horror, or the nothing, into something new, the possibility of a new world.

Nov 10, 2011

Learn Dramatic Eye Makeup

You just learn dramatic eye makeup and confused where to start? While the knowledge and the ability of your makeup are not too qualified, do not worry. Here are some steps of eye makeup ideas that a simple eye makeup can make your eyes look more beautiful. Not to be confused because it's actually easy eye makeup.
   All you need to have is a desire to learn and experiment. In fact, if you only have a little collection of colors and equipment, you can still learn.It is common knowledge if the eyes are the windows to the heart. Eyes can radiate what is in someone's heart.
     Therefore, maintaining eye health into it is no less important. To make your eyes look to be more "something" is also important. Eye makeup is the answer. As one of the most important part of the face, eye makeup quite something quite difficult. Rounded contours of the skin area with a different eye to the contours of the skin around the other face is one of the factors causing the difficulty occurred.Learn to make your eyes more "talk" with make-up is tricky.
    It is easy because the stages are not so tough and hard because if it does not fit, eye makeup will actually destroy your overall makeup.For those who are used to dress up or using makeup on her face, eye makeup must be completed within a few minutes In contrast to those who are just learning. Stacks of tissue that is used to remove eye makeup scratches that do not fit certain will scattered here and there. It will definitely take some time and make your patience thinning.
  Eye Makeup - Eye Shadow
  Perhaps, the main eye makeup is a must-have women's eye shadow. This is due to a variety of eye shadow can create the illusion of eye to eye may seem soft, sexy, or even violent. eye makeup for brown eyes isn't that difficult.
  * If you're new to learn, have eye makeup with neutral colors such as variations in the color brown, white, gray, and black. Neutral colors can be used for various events.
  * Do not use a sponge or eye shadow comes from the factory because usually the quality is not good. Choose a wide eye shadow brush and small brush with hair that looks thick and smooth.
  Using eye makeup eyeshadow, it’s usually one color, two colors, three colors, or four colors. On the application of color, brush one color only on the eyelids. Then, drag it slightly to the upper boundary is not visible until the skin and eye shadow.
  To make up the eyes of two colors, choose two colors of young and old. There are several variations in wear. The first is to put a dark color in the color lines the eyelids and young people above the line.
  You can also wear the color pink on the eyelid. Put in the dark corners of the eyes and up to three-quarters of the eyelid crease then, again bright colors on it (under the eyebrows).
  Meanwhile, the application of eye makeup is to wear a three color variations of two colors plus a darker color on the corner of the eye. If done properly, eye makeup eyeshadow will increasingly make use of your eyes,
  Eye Makeup - Eyeliner
  Many women would like eyeliner because it can make a sharper eye makeup like a cat's eye and it suits eye makeup for small eyes. Eyeliner has a variety of forms such as pencils, gels, liquids, and powders.
  If you are just learning, do eye makeup pencils and gel forms are the best choice. Pencil may be a bit annoying because it is easily broken and you have to whittle.
  * Eye shadow can also be worn as black eyeliner. Add a few drops of water on your brush before taking the black color.
  * Freeze your eyeliner pencil before worn so thin.
  * Always wear black or brown, however, you can wear white eyeliner on the bottom slightly to eliminate the effects of fatigue.
  * Coloring the inside bottom of the eye can be harmful to the health of your eyes. So, better not do.
  Wearing eyeliner can be a challenge if you learn to make up the eye. Use the help of a magnifying glass with 5x or more so you can see exactly the line you made.
  Draw lines from the inside to the outside of the eye by following the eye line. If in doubt, make a half circle in advance and finish the rest. For the bottom, make the line quite two-thirds of the eye.
  Eye Makeup - Mascara
  If you do not have much time to make up the eye, wear eye makeup in the form of mascara. In addition to making a more tapering lashes, your eyes so it looks more radiant. Since the age of store mascara that only three to six months, you better not buy expensive mascara. it's great tool for eye makeup for blue eyes
  * Use a good eyelash curler with a cushion. Eyelash curler eyelashes help you become more tapering.
  * If you really want to appear eccentric, always use black mascara or brown color.
  To wear mascara, hold for a moment at the root of the lashes. After that, up to the top follows the shape of the lashes. If you feel less, add one more. Maintain eye makeup, especially regarding maintaining eyelashes to look long-lasting, you can add the powder upon usage. Before swiping your lashes with a brush that is included in mascara, enter the first brush in the powder. The powder is dry on the lashes will help maintain your lashes stay,Eye Make up - Eyebrows
  Make up eye brows part is actually a tricky thing. Because the eyebrows just above the eyes, people will get more attention if there is something wrong with your eyebrows. Conversely, neat and nice eyebrows can change your entire appearance.
  If you are unsure of the make-up which one is better trim the eyebrows through professional services. After that, you can add your own blanks eyebrows with eyebrow pencil.
  * Look for an eyebrow pencil the same color with your hair exactly. This means you have to choose between black or dark brown.
  * If you need to tidy up your own eyebrows, trim the bottom of the eyebrow, not the top.
  * You can also wear eye shadow with a similar color, but the results will not be durable.
  For coloring eyebrows, do the dotted like to fill in the eyebrow hairs are a little sparse. If you are afraid of polish eye makeup in this one, use the help of a safety line that is made of eye shadow or eyeliner white.
  Eyes are the window of heart. Creating beautiful eyes with eye makeup is one way that your heart window also looks more beautiful. Playing with eye makeup will give added value to the appearance.
       Eye makeup also will help you cover the shortfall in your eyes, like black bags to cover a circular on the eyes.

Nov 7, 2011

Anti Aging Make Up Tips

Makeup really is an art form that can be used to reverse the signs of aging. A perfectly made up canvas can hide a multitude of sins, helping to even out skin tone and create a smooth polished finish. There is nothing is more aging than a full coverage matte finish that settles in creases, accentuating fine lines and wrinkles on the face. Your foundation needs to look as natural as possible, in order for your natural glow to shine through.
Skin prep: Your preparation needs to take as long as your application to boost moisture content and prevent dryness. If you have time use a moisture quenching mask 15 minutes before you apply your base, this will help to rehydrate the skin which is important as we get age as skin starts to lose its natural moisture.
Primer: This is a must have for mature skin types The main ingredient is silicone that works to fill in fine lines and smooth the surface of the skin. it will also help your foundation to glide on effortlessly, leaving your skin looking like silk.
Foundation: Fortunately today there are numerous formulations to choose from. Most mature skin types are dry, so you want to avoid using matte oil free formulas unless your skin is excessively oily, as these bases can have a tendency to look chalky on the skin. The best foundation base is going to be a hydrating liquid formula, which will not only make your skin look refreshed and moisturized, but will also help to plump out any fine lines. Many foundations today also contain light reflecting particles that will prevent your skin looking to flat.
Concealer: It is really important that you choose the right concealer for your particular skin type. Otherwise it will look to bright, making you look like you have been wearing skiing goggles. Look for one that is creamy in texture, that has light reflecting particles and that is one to two shades lighter then your foundation. Apply concealer after your foundation and then blend it in with a brush, that way you use less and you can see what imperfections require coverage.
Blusher: Many women make the mistake of using blusher to make their face look more sculptured, this should be left to your contouring and highlighting techniques. Stay away from bold colors and opt for soft corals, pinks and rose that make the skin look instantly fresher and younger.
Powder: Once you have applied your base use your powder to help set your makeup so that it will last the day. Translucent powders are feathery, light and leave a light luminous shine on the skin. Buy a powder that has light reflecting or diffusing particles that will help to obscure any fine lines and imperfections.

Nov 4, 2011

How to Look Beautiful with The Use of Light Makeup

  Light makeup can give you the natural look you have always desired for. Let it be for office or for some party girls with light makeup always stand out in a crowd. In this article you will read some excellent light makeup ideas that will help to minimize face blemishes and discolorations.
  When you are using light makeup you should apply it with some technique and delicacy. Light makeup should be applied by shaping the foundation, colors and powder in such a way that it should perfectly match your skin tone and it should not be obvious to the rest of the world.
  Light Makeup Tips
  Makeup should never be excessively used. Light makeup aims at protecting your skin, once you step outside. Let's have a look at some light makeup tips to make your makeup last longer and keep you fresh all day.
  Beauty experts always say that let your skin breathe, to get a younger looking skin it is important to keep the moisture locked as sweating dries the skin. Learn some natural makeup tips.
  Before applying light makeup wash your face with warm water. Then brush your face lightly with loose powder.
  You should always wear a foundation which has a light base as it helps in highlighting your eyes and lips. A lightweight foundation levels your skin tone.
  Try to use matte shades to attain a simple look, matte shades absorb light and hence minimize imperfections and faint lines.
  Massage with a light shimmery cream, on the apples of your cheeks.
  Use of eye shadows can help highlighting your eyebrows and eyelashes to get a more natural look.
  Use a glossy lipstick which is a shade deeper than your natural lip color. By following these simple tips you can easily achieve that natural yet radiant look. Just be careful by not applying too much makeup as it makes a very pity sight. Also have a look at good makeup tips.
  Light Makeup Look
  While applying light makeup it is important to use a light makeup foundation. Go for oil-free foundations as do not make your skin look greasy. Use a small amount, and gently brush around the main areas of the face which includes the foreheads, cheeks, chin and nose.
  Now let's start with cheek color. Select a blush that is lightly tinted and which does not contain too many pigments. Opt for light pink or light peach, these two colors always make the skin look vibrant and fresh. Always use a large blush brush to apply the blush, focus on covering a wider area and not just some specific parts. You might be interested in makeup brushes and their uses.
  When you apply eye color during the day time make sure it is of a softer shade of brown or gray. Don't make the eye makeup to harsh. Restrict the use of heavy black eyeliner, dark eye shadow or a black mascara because they give a clear sign that you have used excessive makeup. Pick a brow or a gray eyeliner and draw a thin line on the top eyelid close to the eyelashes.
  Use lip gloss which is lightly tinted or try a clear lip gloss to make your lips shine without causing the lips to look artificial.
  Always remember, that makeup is not a mask. If it takes you more than 6 minutes to remove it, you are using it too much.
  Makeup is used to highlight your features not cover them, so use minimal makeup.
  Always take your makeup off before sleeping, if you don't you will have acne.
  Some makeup products are tested on animals, if you don't support this then buy products that aren't tested on animals. Read the instructions on the box carefully.
  Concealer may get messy sometimes so try not to smudge it when you apply it first, always have a good makeup remover before applying a concealer.

Nov 2, 2011

Summer Makeup Tips

Summer is definitely approaching, and with this season, more and more people hit the beach, catch some surf, slurp on pina coladas and rocking sexy bikinis. Along with these, your makeup should give off that summery glow that everyone should be raring to have. And so, I give you the top ten amazingly easy summer makeup tips to make you feel like a sun goddess.
1. Natural Eyes
This summer, well... every summer, it's all about going natural. You don't need to have really dark eye shadows in order for you to look chic. The neutral look complements your glowing face during summer. Besides, the weather can get really hot that putting make-up full on can be a lot of work. All that you really need to do is to just have perfectly shaped brows and apply two coats of mascara (it is recommended to use either a black brown or brown mascara to make it more natural) on your lashes and your all set.
2. Go for Gold
Applying gold shimmer on your lids can definitely make your eyes pop. A great tip is to dab a little of it on the inner part of your eye, which is the tear duct area.
3. Opt For Tinted Moisturizers
Liquid and powder foundations can get very heavy during the summer time. Choose tinted moisturizers instead. It provides coverage without the heaviness. All you have to do is to dab a bit of concealer on your problem areas such as under eye circles, and then using a sponge, apply the product evenly all over your face.
4. Bronzer is Your Best Friend
I can never say this enough. This wonderful product instantly gives your face a natural glow without exposing yourself to the sun! Dab some of this product on areas where the sun usually hits you (on your forehead, nose, chin, and cheeks). Don't put too much product on. the key is to blend until you are satisfied.
5. Put Some Color on Your Cheeks
Applying blush on your cheeks instantly puts color on your face. Peach-toned, or corally toned blushes are great for summer.
6. Go Nude on the Lips
Nude-ish colors are best worn when you are hitting the beach. To keep 'em cool, place them inside the cooler or let them stay near the air conditioner to keep it from melting.
7. Protect Your Face With a Moisturizer.
Use moisturizers with SPF 15 or higher. It will definitely protect your face from harmful UV rays.
8. Go for Waterproof Mascara
Sweating is inevitable during the warmer seasons, so there is a great possibility for your makeup to melt off. Try using waterproof mascara in order to prevent yourself from having ugly raccoon eyes.
9. Choose Eyeliners That Scream Summer
Warm Brown, slate gray and navy blue eyeliners are great to use during the summer. Apply them with a light hand and you're good to go.
10. Sunscreen Is Always In
Before you put on those gorgeous Dior sunglasses, apply a generous amount of sunscreen that has broad spectrum SPF 30. You don't want to have pale goggles on.

Oct 31, 2011

Makeup Ideas to Make You Look Younger

 We are under so much pressure to look young, that sometimes we overdo on the makeup and end up looking garish and older. Beauty magazines and television constantly drum it to our head that any women who don't look like a 22 year old is over-the-hill. While aging is inevitable, you have to realize that anti aging creams and serums can only help you to reduce the signs of aging. The best way to combat aging is to take it in your stride so that you look graceful even with a few lines and wrinkles. That is not to say that you let yourself go and don't wear any makeup at all. The right makeup is very effective in giving your complexion a warm glow and a youthful look. The worst mistake that most women make at the first sign of a wrinkle is to pile on heavy foundation to conceal it. Well it does not work. Too much of foundation can make you look older than you are. To make your life easier here are some makeup tips for looking younger.
Makeup Tips and Tricks to Look Younger
The skin starts to age mid 20s onwards with the skin losing its elasticity. Combine this with inadequate sun protection, faulty diet and improper skin care regimen, and you will have skin that looks blotchy with sun spots and enlarged pores. All these problems can be avoided if you just make changes in your lifestyle and beauty care regimen. Nevertheless there is makeup that can help you to look youthful and fresh. Given below are some natural makeup tips for looking younger.
Foundation and Concealer
One of the best makeup tips to fake younger looking skin is to use foundation with a light hand. A face made up with a layer of foundation will only make you look older. So apply foundation or concealer only on those parts of skin where needed, like under eye dark circles and dark spots. A liquid foundation with luminescent or pearlescent particles is best for camouflaging fine lines and wrinkles. It gives the skin an even glow and because of its light weight formulation it does not look heavy or cakey. If your skin is relatively free of blemishes and dark spots, you can use a tinted moisturizer instead of a heavy foundation. Under no circumstances should you use powder based foundation as it settles on the fine lines and wrinkles of the skin, making you look older.
The best way to apply liquid foundation is to use a damp sponge to apply it on the skin. If you are over 40, then it would be a good idea to use a primer before you put on the foundation. A primer helps to smoothen fine lines and wrinkles giving you a smooth and flawless look.
Eye Shadows and Eyeliner
Eye makeup should be soft and eyes should be done in light or neutral matt shades. You should avoid frosted eye shadows as they accentuate fine lines and crows foot. As we age, the eyelids sag and droop. To camouflage this you need to make sure that you choose lighter colored eyes shadows as they help to make eyes appear bigger than they are. Shades like champagne, plum and taupe works best. Also apply a light glimmery eyeshadow at the inner corner of the eye and at the browbone to open up the eyes.
Use an eyelash curler before you apply mascara as it will help to open up your eyes. Choose a good lengthening and volumizing mascara. Avoid applying eyeliner to the entire upper and lower lid of the eyes. This makes the eyes appear enclosed which makes them look smaller. To enhance the shape of your eyes, apply a soft pencil eyeliner two thirds from the outer corner of the eyes for the upper eyelid and fully to the lower eyelids starting from the inner to outer corners. Smudge it slightly to give it a natural look.
Blusher and Lipstick
Many women shy away from using a blusher. But a bit of color on your cheeks can make your complexion look fresh and youthful. Choose a peach or dusky rose colored blusher to accentuate your cheekbones. Don't know where to apply blusher? Just tilt your head down for a minute and look carefully in the mirror. The area of the cheeks where you see a natural blush is the place where you need to apply the blusher.
As lips begin to lose their collagen, lips become thinner. A good makeup tip to plump up the lips, is to apply a lip balm before applying a lipstick. A good lip balm will not only help to combat dryness but it will also prevent lipstick from bleeding and settling into the fine lines of the lips. One of the best tips for looking younger is to avoid using dark lipsticks and matt lipsticks. A light or nude colored lipstick with a pearly effect will give you a youthful look. Just a dab of clear gloss applied at the center of the lips will make your lips appear smoother and poutier.

Oct 29, 2011

Step-by-Step Eye Makeup Guide

Even if you've been applying eye makeup for years, it helps to have fresh new tips. Read on to learn how to achieve a more seamless look when applying eye makeup.The first step in applying eye makeup is to use a primer. A simple foundation primer will work around the eye area and provides a more flawless look.
 Then, apply your concealer to the eye area and use a foundation brush to apply foundation to the entire face and eye area. This will create a nice base for applying eye makeup.Once you've created a base, it's time to choose eyeshadow. Choose a product that rates high in beauty product reviews, such as L'Oreal Paris HiP Concentrated Shadow Duo. The lighter color in the palette should be applied all over the eyelid. Then, use an eyeshadow crease brush to sweep the darkest color in your creases. Apply a liner to the top lid only and sweep on 1 to 2 coats of mascara to finish off the look.

Oct 26, 2011

Eye Makeup Tips for Women

Some good eye makeup tips and tricks can help you create those sexy, mesmerizing eyes. Just master few tricks on how to contour your eyes with eyeshadow and mascara and you will be able to create the look you want to achieve with confidence.Eye makeup is something that can really define your "appearance". You can apply a little eye makeup for beautiful eyes for office time. When you have to go out for a party, simply go for heavy, dramatic eye makeup. Applying eye makeup doesn't have to be a difficult task. You just need to know how to apply eyeshadow, how to apply eyeliner and mascara, and you can get any look you want to achieve.Here are few easy eye makeup tips and tricks that women can use to achieve the best look possible:
When applying your eye makeup, you should begin with your foundation or primer. Apply your foundation or primer all over your face and neck evenly. This will help you correct any skin flaws like scars, spots or blemishes, and create perfect canvas for your overall makeup.
There are many women who find it really difficult to choose shades for their eye makeup. Women who have read hair should go with shades like peach, reddish browns, coppers, pinks etc. Women who have fair skin and hair should choose shades creams and taupes. Women with dark complexion should choose shades like mochas and chocolates. Women who have grey hair should go with colors like grey, soft purples and blues.
For a simple, daytime makeup, simply dust the eyelid with one shade of eyeshadow. You can choose a cream eyeshadow to achieve this look. You can also go with light to medium shades to look your best. Once you are done with your eyeshadow, apply eyeliner and mascara to your eyes.
For a more emphasizing look, simply apply the lighter shade of eyeshadow first. Then apply the light shade of eyeshadow with a medium eyeshadow brush over the entire lid area. Be sure you go gently from the lash line to the crease. Now apply a medium shade in the crease line with a small eyeshadow brush. Now extend a little beyond the crease to the brow bone. It will add depth to your beautiful eyes.
If you want to achieve a dramatic look, apply a medium to deep shade of eyeshadow on the upper lash line. Be sure you create the line soft and smudged. Now apply this shade under the bottom lash line and smudge it lightly.

Oct 24, 2011

Makeup Tips For Black Women

Embrace what you were born with, as this is what makes you unique and special. If you are thinking of applying makeup to emphasize your features, it is important that you do it properly. Not everyone is an expert at putting on makeup and those that are dark-skinned find it even more challenging. With these makeup tips for black women, you will be on your way to achieving the look that you desire.
Pick the Right Foundation
Finding the right foundation for black women is now possible with the variety of foundation shades available that are suitable for women with dark or black skin tones. However it is important that you know your skin type and skin tone to be able to choose the right one. Sometimes you might not find the right shade for you. If this is the case then you will need to blend a dark and a light shade together to achieve the perfect shade. By doing this, you will be able to get a natural look that matches your skin tone best.
Go With Natural Shades
There is nothing more beautiful than trying to achieve a natural look. Dark-skinned women should opt for makeup that comes in natural shades to enhance their beauty. You might want to consider natural toned bronzers that will certainly make your face glow. Go with a nude lipstick or lip-gloss to emphasize your lips and have that irresistible pout. Black eyeliner or eye pencils are an absolute no-no. Stick to natural or brown eye pencil shades to compliment your features. For a night out, you might want to consider metallic eye shadow shades that will bring out your eyes.
Learn How to Blend
When applying makeup, you don't have to use just one shade. As mentioned earlier sometimes blending two shades of foundation will help you create the ideal shade for your skin. This works for eye shadow as well. If you want to accentuate your eyes, then consider using several shades and blend them together to achieve the right look.
Consider Makeup for Black Skin
Various cosmetic companies today specialize in producing makeup for women with black skin. With the different brands to choose from, you will certainly have a range of products that you can use. Using makeup that is made especially for black women is something you should consider. These products are created with your skin tone in mind making it very suitable for you.
These makeup tips for black women should help you out the next time you decide to put on makeup. Wearing makeup the right way will help you enhance your beauty and will make you stand out in a good way. Along with knowing how to apply makeup, make sure that you know how to care for your skin as well. Remember to cleanse and moisturize your skin daily. Also, don't forget to wear sunscreen before applying makeup to shield your face from the sun.

Oct 20, 2011

Makeup trends have come and gone over decades

Makeup trends have come and gone over decades. The modern evolution of makeup started in the early 1900's. Before that, many ingredients women used in cosmetic application were actually quite toxic, including the use of lead and mercury. In 1914, Max Factor created the first pancake makeup. Then in the 20's, makeup really started to come into its own when he came out with the first lip gloss. More sophisticated women started to feel like they could wear makeup in public, while those outside of the major cities still felt that makeup looked cheap and tawdry. In the decades that followed, up until the 60's, movie stars set a lot of the trends in makeup style
 People enthusiastically copied Marilyn Monroe's signature black eyeliner and ruby red lips, and it's still a popular style today. The 60's brought about the mod look with an “anything goes” attitude that included white eyeliner and a look that is often associated with fashion designer and mini skirt inventor, Mary Quant, who came out with her own line of mod cosmetics in 1966. The 70's were very natural. But over time, as makeup style changes, everything seems to come in cycles. One decade will be complete with dramatic makeup like in the 80's, and then the next reverts back to a more minimalist approach. Now, as the new millennium is here, it's exciting to look forward to what the next trends in makeup will be. Maybe even a lip gloss that senses when you need to reapply and just robotically does it for you!

Oct 18, 2011

Makeup Tips For Brown Eyes

Makeup tips for brown eyes almost always focuses on dramatic eye makeup looks, however it's also easy to create visual interest with a natural look.Brown eyes tend to be naturally deeper in color and because of that you can also wear darker colors. If you have any discoloration always remember to use a cosmetics concealer for a flawless look.As we may know, there is no "one" brown color. There are many shades of brown.Just as with other eye colors, there are different levels. These makeup tips for brown eyes will tell you which colors will work for you and which to pass on.If you have hazel eyes you'll find out which eyeshadow colors work well for you.Makeup Tips For Eyes: 4 Brown Levels

1. Are your eyes deep dark brown? This is the darkest level of brown. In some women their eyes almost appear black. Most eye makeup colors that are in the medium to dark color range will work best for you. The one problem with this eye color is that your eye makeup can sometimes look too dark or harsh. For this reason it's important to use the lighter flecks of color in your eyes to select highlight colors. The contrast between the darker colors and highlight will set off your color best.

2. Are your eyes medium brown? This is the easiest color of all to work with. You can use any color that you desire. Mauves, violets and purples all look great on you. You can also wear golds, coppers and bronzes. Greens look outstanding on this eye color shade. If you want to use color, but in a subtle way then use it to line your eyes. Try doing dramatic looks or multiple colors on your eyes when you want something different.

3. Are your eyes light brown? Light brown eyes are very striking. Do you have golden flecks in your eyes? If so, then remember to use a very pale yellow as a highlight. The one thing you need to be remember is not to overpower your brown shade. Use darker shadows in the crease area. While other colors of brown might require black eyeliner, you may want to consider a dark brown instead.

4. Are your eyes very light or hazel? This is a level that looks great with colors that are just a little darker than your normal skintone would be. Champagne and mauve colors look great with hazel eyes.To make hazel eyes really stand out line them with another color such as a violet, bronze or dark brown. You may want to try Apricot or pink highlight as they will work well with this color also. Avoid black eyeliner because it tends to overpower hazel.

Your Universal Color

Brown eyes, unlike other eyes, do not have an opposite or complementary color. This is because brown is actually a combination of the other colors. Which means that it contains blue, red and yellow. So when it comes to eyeshadow makeup tips for brown eyes, most eye makeup colors work. Discover favorite colors to work with:

Makeup For Brown Eyes - Fantastic Color Options

One of the best makeup tips for brown eyes is to start with a mauve makeup palette. Most women feel comfortable with the color because they believe it enhances naturally. It absolutely does! If you have hazel eyes then go with the lighter colors and use the darker ones as liner. Dark eyes can make those same colors even deeper by adding a little distilled water to powdered eyeshadow.

Once you've chosen your eye color level with the makeup tips for brown eyes listed above then top then finish it with the right mascara. It really makes a difference for your color. If your eyes are hazel then go with dark brown, otherwise wear black. You really want your eyes to pop!

The best makeup tip for you is to: Find one or two colors of eyeshadow that you enjoy wearing for daytime looks and then really make your eyes pop with smokey eye makeup at night.

Oct 17, 2011

Effective Make Up Tips To Enhance Your Beauty

Your looks can be changed if you follow the make up tips properly. It is very easy for everyone to follow the make up tips. Cosmetics, if judiciously use, will improve the natural looks of an individual. For occasions like marriage ceremony, a general weekend party, etc make up tips can differ. Beauty as well as the personality of the person can be enhanced with the help of the make up tips. These make up tips will be a great help in taking proper care of their hair, skin, hand, feet and eyes. Make up can be modern days type or old forties and sixties type. It is not accurate to say that make up tips are usually for women.
 Men can improve and create better impression on others through their new personality by following good beauty tips exclusively for men.Is marriage on cards soon? Are you going to attend any marriage ceremony? These make up tips can make you look better. First of all, you have to decide, many days before the occasion, what sort of look you want to have on the occasion. After that you can practice the make up tips many times and perfect your look before the occasion. These will help you to practice. These trial sessions will help you to achieve the kind of look you want for the occasion. If you are wondering at the beauty of celebrities on magazine covers, let me tell you this all with the help of make up on their simple faces.Most young women want to look their best with glowing faces for occasion like wedding parties, etc. Many a times, n order to get a glowing face, they apply a large amount of make up that makes their face greasy. So here is one make up tip- always highlight your cheeks rather than the whole face.
A reasonably priced airbrush can help you get glow on the face. It is better not to use anything is excess as it can be bad.For wedding parties warm colors like brown, peach, cream or light pink are the best options. These colours give your face a natural look. The natural look will be completely lost, if the colors are mixed. One should never make the mistake of getting make up a day before the wedding date. You will not be able to look your best with skin breaking out on wedding day. The skin looks unnatural. It is better to prepare days in advance to look your best. Always have a lip liner with you to redo the lips after the kisses. A blue liner will keep your eyes looking beautiful during wedding. These are timeless make up tips to make you look beautiful.

Oct 10, 2011

Makeup has become an important part of every woman's life

It is no longer about making a fashion statement or about a social status. Today, every woman wants to look great and feel good no matter what the occasion is. Whether she is a working woman or a housewife, she puts all her efforts to look beautiful. And when she has to attend some special function, she turns to cosmetics and makeup products to get that beautiful, flawless looking face.In the article, you will find few interesting and easy face makeup tips for party, and these will surely work wonders on your face and make you look your best. Here are quick face makeup tips & tricks for party:If you want your makeup to stay throughout the party, be sure you cleanse your face well before applying any makeup. You can add a hint of soda bicarbonate in some cold water and wash your face with it. Now apply ice cubes on your face for 5-7 minutes.

This will ensure your makeup to last longer for the party.Many of us apply face makeup every day, but when it comes to party makeup; it has to be something special and different from your every day makeup. When you are going out for a party, you require the right blend of makeup products that not only enhance your natural beauty, but also assist you stand out from the crowd.When you have to attend a special party, be sure you put together your makeup products, outfit and all your accessories together the night before and do a pre-party makeup and dress rehearsal.Always go with a lipstick shade that complements your skin tone. You should play up either your eyes or your lips for a balanced face makeup. Don't highlight your eye and your lips together as it will look unnatural and fake. Play up your best feature. Let's say, you have beautiful eyes. You simply need to wear false eyelashes, apply your eyeliner and mascara, and then downplay your lips with a light lip color and a hint of gloss.Apply a concealer on any skin flaws like dark circles, spots, scars or blemishes. Don't forget to blend it well.

Women with dark skin tone should choose a beige tone concealer. If you have fair skin, you can choose natural tones of concealers. Try to apply it with a dry sponge instead of your fingers. Apply it evenly and smoothly.After concealer, apply foundation evenly all over your face and neck. You can also mix the foundation with a little moisturizer during winters. This way your foundation will last longer, and will also prevents your skin from drying.Apply face powder all over your face lightly. Face power helps your makeup to set in and also stay on for longer time. Don't forget to brush off any extra powder.When applying eye makeup, you can simply apply powder eyeshadow as eyeliner with a wet eyeshadow brush. It will prevent the eyeliner from straying.

Oct 8, 2011

For a Catchy and Impressive Look

Today there are wide varieties of brands, which offer best quality make up products. Stila, Dior, Chanel, NARS Cosmetics, MAC Cosmetics, Givenchy, Smashbox, and Bare Escentuals are some famous brands whose eye makeup products have gained popularity worldwide. But the most important thing to be considered is, an eye makeup should be applied in a proper way. Even a best quality and very costly makeup product can look disastrous, if not applied properly.
So, here are some tips on how to apply eye makeup perfectly:
Eye Shadow:
Eye shadow should be chosen with utmost care and it must be of good quality. Once you have right eye shadow, apply it perfectly. Start with primary color, which should be dark and apply it on whole of your eyelid for better effect. Then apply lighter shade of eye shadow above the primary shade, right below your eyebrows. Choose shade matching with your outfit and if you're wearing colorful dress then use multi-color eye shadow for a funky look.
In order to add beauty to natural eye lashes, most girls use mascara. Mascara is best way of making lashes look long, curvy, dark and thick. Applying mascara is not difficult but it needs to be applied in best way possible. Mascara, which is generally black in color, is applied from base to tip of eyelashes giving it a little curl. It should be done in a single stroke. At the most 2 coats of mascara should be applied, otherwise it will look ponderous.
In past black color was king when it comes to choosing a color for eye liner but today a lot of colored eyeliners are available. You can choose the one matching with color of your outfit or eyes, but if you're wearing multi-colored dress then go for black eyeliner. Eyeliners come in powder, pencil and liquid form and can be applied just above or below the eyes. The best way of applying eyeliner is to start from the inside corner of your eye to the outside in one stroke. Eyeliner should be applied after eye shadow and mascara leading to a complete eye makeup. Gel-based eyeliners are gaining much popularity these days for their easy application and long wear ability.
It's true that beauty lies in eyes of beholder but it's also important to make yourself presentable. A trendy dress according to latest trend with perfect fashion jewelry along with designer footwear can do wonders but one thing that creates all the difference and adds more charm to personality is a perfect makeup. In today's tedious, taking lot of time out for makeup is little difficult but a perfect eye makeup can solve this problem as it takes very less time.
Vitalize your shopping experience by doing online shopping for makeup products. Online shopping provides a quick access to numerous makeup and beauty products retailers in a very short span of time. By spending a few minutes you can find your favorite beauty product or cosmetics at really great prices. Sephora coupons, Benefit Cosmetics coupons and promo codes can help you save a lot of money on wide range of health & beauty deals.

Oct 6, 2011

Top 3 Tips for Makeup Application

You'll also need the right tools and application methods to achievee most flawless look. Read on to learn beauty advice for applying makeup.Creating a full lip. Apply primer to the lips, which allows the pigment to stick better and last longer. Then, apply a lipstick that is moisturizing to create a plumping effect. Finish off by applying a clear gloss over the lipstick to achieve fuller-looking lips.

Highlighting your eyes. Play up your eyes by choosing colors that complement your eye color. If you have green eyes, choose lavender and purple eye shadows. Highlight blue eyes with shimmery browns and deep blue. Those with brown eyes should choose emerald greens. Use the lightest eye shadow color on the lids and the darker color for the eyelid crease.Achieving flawless skin. First, apply a moisturizer with SPF to the skin to smooth out any dry areas. Then, use a foundation brush to apply a primer all over your face. Finish off with a light coverage foundation and dust with powder to set the look.