Dec 22, 2011

Green Beauty Guide Tips

For example, Happy Cheeks foaming cleanser can be used as a baby body and hair wash as well as a mom’s facial cleanser, makeup remover, and a shampoo. A Happy Hour Oil can be used for baby massage and to prevent stretch marks in mom-to-be. A fragrance spray Happy Air works double duty as a nursery air spray and a deodorant for moms.

All ingredients are safe for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and I am not using any essential oil fragrances, because babies have very sensitive noses. Besides, popular “baby” scents such as lavender are suspected to act as hormone disruptors. I am using certified organic ingredients blended to create products that are so pure, you can eat them. Every parent knows that babies want to put everything in their mouths, and too often I would rush to prevent my baby daughter from eating the whole tube of a diaper cream - and my first thought always was “Thank goodness, it’s natural and organic!”
If you could give us three tips on making our skin care regime a bit more "green", what would they be?
We all know the three R’s of green living: reduce, reuse, recycle.
Reduce by using less products: buy one mild cleanser to use on face, body, and hair, use flower hydrosols as toners, use one well-formulated sunscreen in summer and winter, and don’t be afraid to use facial moisturizer around your eyes!

Reuse kitchen staples and leftovers to make express beauty treatments and reuse empty jars, vials, and bottles for your homemade beauty products.
Recycle your shopping habits: instead of buying shimmers and glimmers, invest into the health of your skin. Instead of making your skin look healthy, make it truly healthy. Buy organic products of really good quality so that green living becomes a pleasure, not a chore.
Why would a nutritionist write a book about beauty?
Because beauty products are food for our skin. There’s junk food, and there’s wholesome food. Junk food is loaded with artificial flavors, synthetic preservatives, refined sugar, and hydrogenated fats. It’s convenient, it smells good, it may be even delicious, but it ruins our health. Same with beauty.

Junk beauty is loaded with petroleum by-products, preservatives, and artificial colors and fragrances. It looks good, smells good, gives instant results, but damages our skin and health in general over time. If you avoid junk food and strive eating organically, why use junk beauty? Especially today, when you can replace every single jar and bottle in your bathroom and every tube in your makeup bag with non-toxic, natural alternatives.

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