Dec 23, 2011

Say Goodbye To Facial Hair

Believe or not, all women have facial hair but we would rather not talk about this, especially in front of men. However, some women are lucky because the hairs on their face are extremely light, which makes them barely visible. Others are not that lucky and thus feel the need to do something about this issue. Shaving, as we all know, makes things a lot of worse while waxing is painful and causes irritation in a large number of cases.

The only solution is thus bleaching, however, commercial bleaching products are just as bad as waxing. They are full of harmful chemicals that damage your skin and make it look unattractive. Home-made bleaching products are safe, natural and more importantly, they work.

Fortunately, there is quite a big number of recipes, but only a couple of them are worth your attention and your time. For example, papaya is highly spoken of when skin care is in question. It nourishes it, it makes it look younger and of course, it has the ability to bleach your hairs. You should mix some papaya pulp with milk and apply the mixture on your face. Keep it on for 7 or 8 minutes and do this every day for two weeks.

A mixture of flour powder and curd is very powerful and acts as a bleaching agent if you apply it to your skin every day for 15 minutes. Of course, the results will not be evident after only one day, but be persistent and you will eventually achieve your goal.

Although both of the previously mentioned mixtures work quite well, the most praised home-made bleaching product is lemon juice. Mix it with some honey and apply it to your face, or your hairs more precisely. Keep the paste on for 20 minutes and after two weeks or so, you will manage to lighten your hairs naturally.

There is no reason why you should torture your skin with painful procedures when you have the opportunity to get rid of facial hair by making them practically invisible. Turn to home-made bleaching products and you won`t regret your decision without a doubt.

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