Sep 21, 2011

Choosing the right makeup for wedding day

The best wedding makeup tips for a wedding is to use the right colors for the lighting and time of day. For a day time wedding, stick to lighter, more basic make up. Avoid black or dark brown eyeliner and opt for more subtle greys and light browns. Use a brow pencil in a shade as close to your hair as possible to shade your eyebrows. Use lighter toned eyeshadow to prevent them overshadowing your eyes.
Give your self a glow with a pink or rose hued blush to accentuate your cheek bones and pair it with a lipstick in a similar shade. Avoid pale lipstick since it will appear washed out in photographs.For a nighttime wedding, choose darker, bolder colors. Use bolder eyeshadow and use black or dark brown eyeliner to accentuate your eyes. Use a darker blush as well, while still sticking to rose based colors. Be bold with your lip color, as long as it still blends well with your other make up and your skin tone. Adding a bit of shimmer with sparkly lip gloss will brighten your smile and look great in wedding photos.

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