Sep 19, 2011

Mineral Makeup Tips

Read these 8 Mineral Makeup Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Make-Up tips and hundreds of other topics. Become a Guru or Become an Advertiser.Beauty Information: Tips for Using Pure Mineral Makeup.ure mineral makeup has become popular because it's less harsh on the skin than other products. But before using this makeup, it helps to have a few tips. Read on to learn how to achieve smoother skin with pure mineral makeup.

Apply a moisturizer before using mineral makeup. Even individuals with oily skin may experience some dryness and flaking when using this type of makeup. Applying a moisturizer with SPF will make skin look softer and provide protection from the sun.Use a large brush when applying the makeup. Shaker lids often let way too much makeup out – creating a thick application. Using a large fluffy brush will allow for an even, soft application.Use a finishing spay. If after applying mineral makeup, your skin still looks dry, apply a moisturizing finishing spray to the skin. This will get rid of that “flaky look” and make skin appear more flawless.The key to application is maintaining good, clean brushes. 

While it's true that great brushes can help you to apply flawless and beautiful make-up, if you don't clean them they will also help you to apply dirt and oil residue. In addition, treating your brushes carelessly can lead to an accumulation of a mixture of make-ups on the tip of your brush—what a mess! Next time you use a brush don't toss it carelessly back into your make-up bag (this will result in residue and matted tips). In order to properly clean your brushes start by running them under lukewarm water after each usage. Then, put a tiny bit of mild shampoo on your finger, like baby shampoo, creating lather by rubbing your index finger and thumb together. Next, massage shampoo gently into brushes. Rinse when finished; wring out any liquid, then leave to dry on a flat, clean, dry surface.

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