Dec 28, 2011

What's History Of Makeup?

Every woman, whether she chooses to acknowledge it or not, has an innate desire to be desired. Even the staunchest of feminists want to be accepted by other feminists. It goes without saying that we, as human beings, don’t enjoy being disliked and we go to any measure to make ourselves more readily acceptable to others. For women, one of the easiest ways to improve confidence and self-image is makeup.

Ancient Egyptians used copper and lead ores in some of the most primitive forms of makeup, and in many cultures there are reports of women crushing berries to dye their lips, using burnt matches as eyeliners, and using leeches to drain their blood to make their complexions appear more pale. Even the highly poisonous element mercury was a popular cosmetic in ancient Rome and Egypt. Most of these practices are obviously not safe. In some cultures, the use of cosmetics to enhance one’s appearance was limited only to the upper class.

During the Middle Ages, the Church began looking down on the use of cosmetics in all but the upper classes, probably because it nurtured vanity, one of the Seven Deadly Sins. In the 1800s, Queen Victoria publicly denounced makeup, calling it “vulgar,” and declared use of it acceptable only by actors.However, after the turn of the century and the roaring twenties, makeup had become commonplace by the middle of the twentieth century. Discovering the marketplace for cosmetics, a few still well-known names emerged – Max Factor and Estée Lauder, just to name a two.

Max Factor was born Maximilian Factorowicz in what is now Poland (then part of the Russian Empire) in 1877 and began creating his own makeup, fragrances, and wigs to sell out of a shop. Factorowicz became well known when a traveling troupe wore some of his fragrances to a performance for Russian nobility. The royal family soon named him the cosmetic expert for themselves and the Imperial Russian Grand Opera.

In 1904, Factorowicz and his family migrated to the United States. After changing his last name to Factor, he began selling his cosmetics at the 1904 World’s Fair in St. Louis, Missouri. The family again moved in 1908, this time to Los Angeles, which allowed Factor to get a start in Hollywood.

Dec 23, 2011

Say Goodbye To Facial Hair

Believe or not, all women have facial hair but we would rather not talk about this, especially in front of men. However, some women are lucky because the hairs on their face are extremely light, which makes them barely visible. Others are not that lucky and thus feel the need to do something about this issue. Shaving, as we all know, makes things a lot of worse while waxing is painful and causes irritation in a large number of cases.

The only solution is thus bleaching, however, commercial bleaching products are just as bad as waxing. They are full of harmful chemicals that damage your skin and make it look unattractive. Home-made bleaching products are safe, natural and more importantly, they work.

Fortunately, there is quite a big number of recipes, but only a couple of them are worth your attention and your time. For example, papaya is highly spoken of when skin care is in question. It nourishes it, it makes it look younger and of course, it has the ability to bleach your hairs. You should mix some papaya pulp with milk and apply the mixture on your face. Keep it on for 7 or 8 minutes and do this every day for two weeks.

A mixture of flour powder and curd is very powerful and acts as a bleaching agent if you apply it to your skin every day for 15 minutes. Of course, the results will not be evident after only one day, but be persistent and you will eventually achieve your goal.

Although both of the previously mentioned mixtures work quite well, the most praised home-made bleaching product is lemon juice. Mix it with some honey and apply it to your face, or your hairs more precisely. Keep the paste on for 20 minutes and after two weeks or so, you will manage to lighten your hairs naturally.

There is no reason why you should torture your skin with painful procedures when you have the opportunity to get rid of facial hair by making them practically invisible. Turn to home-made bleaching products and you won`t regret your decision without a doubt.

Dec 22, 2011

Green Beauty Guide Tips

For example, Happy Cheeks foaming cleanser can be used as a baby body and hair wash as well as a mom’s facial cleanser, makeup remover, and a shampoo. A Happy Hour Oil can be used for baby massage and to prevent stretch marks in mom-to-be. A fragrance spray Happy Air works double duty as a nursery air spray and a deodorant for moms.

All ingredients are safe for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and I am not using any essential oil fragrances, because babies have very sensitive noses. Besides, popular “baby” scents such as lavender are suspected to act as hormone disruptors. I am using certified organic ingredients blended to create products that are so pure, you can eat them. Every parent knows that babies want to put everything in their mouths, and too often I would rush to prevent my baby daughter from eating the whole tube of a diaper cream - and my first thought always was “Thank goodness, it’s natural and organic!”
If you could give us three tips on making our skin care regime a bit more "green", what would they be?
We all know the three R’s of green living: reduce, reuse, recycle.
Reduce by using less products: buy one mild cleanser to use on face, body, and hair, use flower hydrosols as toners, use one well-formulated sunscreen in summer and winter, and don’t be afraid to use facial moisturizer around your eyes!

Reuse kitchen staples and leftovers to make express beauty treatments and reuse empty jars, vials, and bottles for your homemade beauty products.
Recycle your shopping habits: instead of buying shimmers and glimmers, invest into the health of your skin. Instead of making your skin look healthy, make it truly healthy. Buy organic products of really good quality so that green living becomes a pleasure, not a chore.
Why would a nutritionist write a book about beauty?
Because beauty products are food for our skin. There’s junk food, and there’s wholesome food. Junk food is loaded with artificial flavors, synthetic preservatives, refined sugar, and hydrogenated fats. It’s convenient, it smells good, it may be even delicious, but it ruins our health. Same with beauty.

Junk beauty is loaded with petroleum by-products, preservatives, and artificial colors and fragrances. It looks good, smells good, gives instant results, but damages our skin and health in general over time. If you avoid junk food and strive eating organically, why use junk beauty? Especially today, when you can replace every single jar and bottle in your bathroom and every tube in your makeup bag with non-toxic, natural alternatives.

Dec 18, 2011

Keep An Eye over Colon Cleanser

Colon cleansing has been around for quiet a while now and especially when its importance was described at the Oprah show; every dieter has aimed for a cleansed colon and a healthy lifestyle. However, the major associated with colon cleansing of people get confused is when it comes to buying colon cleansers since there are so many available at the pharmacies and over online resources as well. Various manufacturers are making colon cleansers and it is hard to say that which one is safe so, it is advisable that you must keep an eye over a few things while purchasing colon cleansers.
Colon cleansers or any other such products should always be purchased if they are totally natural. Any colon cleanser having chemicals as ingredients might harm your colon then doing any good and side effects may turn out to be very bad so always go for natural cleansers. There are also colon cleansers that do not really clearly specify what all is in them that means you do not even know what ingredients are going inside your body; avoid such products. You should know how many herbs are present and in what proportion; sometimes only knowing the names is not enough.
Oatmeal is an excellent natural scrub to help remove the dead cells from your face. Use a paste of one half cup of water and one half of oatmeal.
Cucumbers are a natural astringent that will help slow down the aging process and tighten your skin. Grate cucumber and extract juices and apply juices to your face with a cotton ball, let dry for twenty minutes, then rinse with cold water.
Make a face mask of egg yolk with one egg yolk, one half tablespoon lemon juice and one half tablespoon of olive oil. Put it on your face, let dry for fifteen minutes, and then rinse off with water. Good for dry to normal skin.

Dec 14, 2011

Beauty is Skin Deep

Beauty is skin deep or that is what every young woman is told from the age of her being a small girl until she is an adult. However, with all the products on the market, most women think that they can make themselves even more beautiful through buffing this and applying that. For those women out there that truly want to be beautiful, they need to understand that they have to work with what they are given before they can add and color this and that. When a woman takes the time to make sure that she is working with the natural beauty of her skin, chances are she will find that she has no use for all those promising foundations and blushes that are out there. So how can you get natural beautiful looking skin?
First things first, make sure that you are getting the rest that you need. There is a reason that this is called beauty rest. When a person gets the rest that they need they are going to find that the rings under their eyes disappear and that their complexion simply looks wonderful compared to what it could look like. The person should also add into this to make sure that they are getting the eight glasses of water that they should get a day. The reason for this is that hydrated skin, which means getting the adequate amount of water each day is going to be much healthier than skin that is depleted of water and moisture.
Secondly, make sure that you have a skin regiment in place that consists of washing and moisturizing. Even if you think that you have skin that is too dry to wash or too oily to moisturize, the person should make sure that they are following the skin regiment that is needed to keep their skin balanced. They should use a mild wash that is designed for the face since the skin is much more sensitive that skin on other parts of the body. They should also keep in mind that the moisturizer needs to be one that is made for their skin, whether it be dry, combination or oily type of skin.
Once the skin is taken care of, the person should focus on what they can do in order to make the skin look its best and this is through the use of the right hair cut that compliments the face and makes the skin stand out. They should also make sure that their eyebrows are something that are well maintained and highlight the face in a way that make it appear even more natural and beautiful.More Time ,More Beautiful.

Dec 11, 2011

How To Do Makeup To Help Your Disappear

Makeup can do wonders and even give you an air brushed look, provided that you choose the right products and know how to use them. If you are worried about acne marks or neck lines, wrinkles, birth marks, they can all vanish with easy beauty tips and proper skin care. We are here to give you expert make up advice which can help you hide all those flaws that lower your confidence or what will help make you feel all beautiful for a special occasion.
When choosing makeup either take the salesperson’s advice or know your face and what you need before you spend heavy money. Simple makeup advice can help you look great without contemplating a face lift or Botox or laser treatment. Read below to follow basic steps that can hide a hundred flaws.
Choose your foundation and concealer with care – Foundation usually works to give you an even coverage and not hide scars or marks but if you are just concerned with certain shadows or lines, a good foundation and cover over them and most lightly you don’t need more than that.
If you have heavy hereditary acne marks or scarring or acne, make sure you for a good concealer stick. When picking a foundation, check it on your wrist or hand to get something similar to your skin tone. Also use the same trick to buy loose powder. You don’t want your make up to look artificial. When choosing a concealer, pick a yellow or peachy color concealer for your skin to hide marks and under eye bags. In case of acne or blemishes use a blue or green tone to reduce the intensity of redness on your skin.
Apply your concealer and cover it up with your foundation. Applicators are important when it comes to makeup. Use a sponge or concealer brush and foundation brush to cover evenly. Pat it on lightly with loose powder. Makeup experts also choose to use finger tips you do their basic first steps. If you choose to do so, use clean hands or dirt coupled with makeup can cause acne.
You face is ready to play on color with. Blush, eye makeup and lips are the bare minimum after this. Do not continue with this unless you are completely satisfied with your face and it looks flawless with even complexion and not to forget is minimally layer with makeup. The trick is to hide the imperfections by doing very little and making it look effortless.
Line your lips with a lip pencil and form the perfect shape and apply a primer for your eyes.
Having done all this, you simply have to fill in the spots with colour to give it the final look.
Use gloss or your favorite lipstick with a lip filler brush. A lip brush control the amount of lipstick you fill in without let it look too greasy.
Apply eye liner or your favorite eye shadow with the right brushes. Try going to various cosmetics brands as the huge range of different kinds of eye products requires different applicators.
On essential beauty tip – if you are going heavy on the lip, keep your eyes light and vice versa.

Dec 7, 2011

Make Up Eyes for Evening

When evening calls for a glamorous look, you want to focus on making your eyes amazing. Here are eight simple steps to making up your eyes for evening.
1. Prep your eyes with concealer. Concealer can be used to cover up under eye circles or just the bluish discoloration just under your inner eye. To cover dark under eye circles, apply three dots of concealer under each eye. Start at the inner corner where skin tends to be darkest, then under the pupil and the third on the outer edge.
2. Apply eye base to your lid Eye base is the secret to keeping your shadow in place for hours. Without properly priming your lid first, your eye shadow will likely end up a greasy line in your crease.
3. Apply shadow. It's great to use a three-toned shadow and build from lids to brow. Allowing them to merge into each other like a rainbow is graceful. Start with a light color that almost matches your lid. brush the color across the lid and up to your browbone. Follow with a medium color across your lid only. Build on this with a darker color in the crease. Blend the colors well.
4. Follow with eyeliner Dark eyeshadows work great as eyeliners. Wet a slanted brush, and then dip in a dark eyeshadow. Line eyes as close to the upper lashes as possible from the inner corner to the outer corner. Follow with liner on bottom eyes, but only line from the middle of the eye out. Smudge the bottom line with a Q-tip or your finger. You don't want a prominent line. For a smokey eye, use a brush to pat in a dark eyeshadow along the upper lid and below the lid. You don't want a stark line, instead you want to blend it so it's 'smudge-y.'
5. Brighten your eyes with a highlighter. This step involves only the inside part of the eye. With a gold or pink highlighter (white is too bright), draw a v-shaped shape that follows the inner corner of your eye from top to bottom. Blend with your fingers. This will help make eyes 'pop.'
6. Highlight your brow Take the same highlighter and dab it on your browbone, concentrating on your mid-brow outward. Blend with your finger.
7. Curl lashes An eyelash curler will make even long lashes look more gorgeous. For added effect, you can heat the curler under a blowdryer for a couple seconds. Test curler before applying to lashes because you could burn yourself.
8. Apply mascara Place the wand of your mascara brush at the bottom of lashes and wiggle back and forth. Follow with another few sweeps of the wand. Apply to bottom lashes as well.

Dec 4, 2011

Natural Home Remedies For Beauty Face

Your face looks back at you from the mirror...does it look dry or oily or listless, or does it look bright and radiant?This depends on how you take care of your face. Start by charitable yourself 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes at bedtime.
The word "beauty" forever implies amazing nice, good, pure. Beauty is always subtle, barely audible.There are a lot of things written and said about it. It takes various forms and is present in all kinds of objects - material and disembodied.Cleansing is quite necessary to avoid acnes and other skin evils. Wash your skin often using a mild face wash and wipe off with a clean washcloth.It is quite imperative to get rid of any impurities such as dirt particles and makeup before going to sleep so that your skin can breathe appropriately at night.
Beauty Face Tips
Take 1 tbsp olive oil and mix with 2 tbsp of fresh cream, leave it on the face for 10 minutes and then wash your face with warm water.Mix 1 tbsp of honey with 15 drops of carroty juice and 1 tbsp of fuller's earth and add 1 tbsp of rose water. Mix well and pertain on the face, wash off after 10 miuntes.Mix a tbsp of honey with 1 egg white and apply thickly on the face and neck. Leave for 10 minutes and wash off.Mix 2 tbsp of papaya pulp with 10 drops of lemon juice and leave it for 20 minutes and then rinse well.
Home Remedies for Beauty Face
1. Take 50 ml. of tomato juice and blend with one teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply this mixture to the face. It helps to make the skin soft and glowing.
2. Take equal quantities of turmeric concentrate and wheat flour and make a paste with sesame oil. Apply it to the face to remove unwanted hair.
3. Apply orange juice to the face for smooth and soft skin.
4. Take 30 ml. of cabbage juice and mix one teaspoon of honey in it. This mixture, if applied often to the face, helps to keep the wrinkles away.
5. Make a paste of raw carrots and apply it to the face. Wash it after one hour. The skin will turn out to be glowing.
Beauty Facial Mask
Honey Facial Mask
Rinse your face with warm water to open up the pores. Apply honey and leave for half an hour.Rinse with warm water, then use cold water to close the pores. Rinse with warm water, then use cold hose down to close the pores